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Top Stories Cheap Handbags :Designer Hangdbags :Cheap Designer Handbags: TOP 5 TIPS TO CHOOSE DESIGNER GUCCI HANDBAGS



It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish authentic Gucci handbags from the fakes, partly because of the fact that there are not as many distinguishing factors of authenticity. Counterfeit Gucci handbags replica are many times so good that one needs an authentic bag for comparison

Looking into investing in a nice, stylish handbag? As a fashion lover, you know how nice a well matched handbag can be for completing your look. The right handbag can help you look fashionable, confident, and radiant.

But, before you rush our and buy that discount Gucci handbag, make sure you're getting the one you want! After all, there are many designers and labels to choose from, how do you find the right look for you? To help out, I've written up five tips to help you find the perfect handbag for your needs.
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Step 1. Be Yourself

This is critical Many people, when shopping for fashion accessories such as handbags, will look to celebrities for cues on what to purchase. Others just follow ideas from fashion publications. There's nothing wrong with looking for tips for working out your look, but just because a certain design is trendy doesn't mean it will work for you. Know your unique style, and buy accordlingy. Don't be a slave to fashion trends.

Step 2. Know Your Colors

Choose your handbag color carefully for maximum effect. Take a close look at your wardrobe, and see what colors work well for you. Those flashy colors may look cool in the store, but if they don't with your clothes, you'll never wear it. This is the place to be honest with yourself.

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Step 3. Know Your Price Range

Even the snazziest handbag out there isn't worth going into debt for. Know your price range, stick with it, and you'll be much happier in the long run.

step 4. Know Your Designers

As you shop for bags, you'll begin to learn the differences between different designers and styles. Find which looks work for you. If you're looking for a more classic look, Coach handbags might be for you. If you're looking to get a little edgier, Dolce and Gabbana might work for you. Just shop around, and once again, be honest with yourself about your needs.

Step5. Shop Smart

Once you've picked out the bag you want, don't just walk straight into the designer's store, or a department store, and shell out the big bucks for a retail priced bag. Instead, try looking online for discounted handbags. You might worry about authenticity, but if you do your homework, and read up on the sellers, you'll be able to get a great handbag at a much lower price than you might pay in the store.

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